Akbar Ganji talks at UC Berkeley

Since releasing from the jail, Ganji has left Iran for a tour around Europe and United States. He has been in many cities and has had different talks. His talk has sponsored by three different departments at UC Berkeley.
This trip has been an amazing opportunities for Ganji and talk to many prominent scholars around the Western countries. Dr. Abbas Milani, director of the Iranian Studies at Stanford University has translated many articles of Ganji to English which provide a better understanding for people in US to listen to him.
I talked to Ganji during the last days to organize this event in Berkeley. As we belong to the similiar atmosphere and the same social life, have common perception on different things. He tries to associate himself to the universities and not any political groups or even people who love him; however he tries to go through the academics....The hall he is going to talk is exactlly the one that Shirin Ebadi, the Iranian Noble Peace Prize winner in 2003, talked a few months ago...
maybe he can come to the University of Maryland :)
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