Omid Memarian

Friday, February 06, 2004

Last Round: Hezbollah is coming

A few hours ago, Guardian Council informed that 206 of candidates for parliaments confirmed. This is the last list for confirmation. No one of the political activist and famous lawmakers are between them. Only 12 of lawmakers that were in long sit-in that was finished Thursday have confirmed. Lawmakers have said that they will resign and leader speech will have not effect on their decision. Reformists announced that the election is not lawful and legitimate. But Islamic regime has shown many times that legitimacy is not its concern. People means for them only 15 percent of population. I heard that President Khatami is going to hold the election in this situation….bad for democracy….
Today guardian council held a gathering with their supporter that were more than 30000.They say if leader say day is dark and night is lighted we accept. They really can attack to libraries, Bookstores, people who are opposite and critic them. They are coming. Witnesses reported that they gathered many bus (more that 200) in Tehran from all of the provinces too show off their power.


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