President Mahmoud Ahmadi Nejad, talked at the general Assembly about the Iranians rights for achieving the nuclear Energy today. He had an Interview with Christian Amanpour who originally an Iranian. She was one of the reporters who believed that Former president Hashemi Rafsanjani capture the presidency desk. So she had a exclusive interview with him a few days before the last presidential election on July. “Iran peruses achieving the nuclear fuel circle” Says Mr. Ahmadinejad at his interview with Ms. Amanpour.
What Ahmadinejad has said has not a new point that the past. He has charged the Americans by the Nuclear Apartheid. Amanpour believes that the Iranian president talk includes a kind of aggressive points and that’s just a confrontation statement. Is it? Listen to a part of the interview here-CNN Iranian rails against US over nuclear weapons- Telegraph, UK Iran's Nuclear Defense-TIME UK attacks Iran nuclear stance-BBC News
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