Elite Oriented sanctions; Go Two Decades Back!
I was reading the comments and press releases about Iranian nuclear program after making public the IAEA resolution on net today. All of them talk about the firm purpose of the EU3 and US to force Iran for accepting the new pre-conditions. As usual If doesn’t, the next option will be sanctions; however military attack is on the US agenda too.
But I surprised by a comment which was published on Christian Science Monitor website which mentioned that the easiest sanctions for the EU is to restrict the visa process for Iranian elite:
“The easiest step would be to stop issuing visas for Iran's elite to travel to Europe or to conduct business there. (The US already has such sanctions.)”
I was surprised that how a well known paper like CSM has such petrifaction and bizarre idea about the kind of sanctions which is elite oriented and just hurt the people. What a long dream! There is nobody at the west to push the writers for waking up? It seams the Iraq experience by isolating the society and empowering the authorities to condemn the democratic movements -just because the society has been under the pressure of sanctions- and emphasize on all emergency condition they are facing to suffocate the society, has not been enough. Just talking about sanctions and/or attack when there is no idea for the future and the fact that terrorism is going to be a kind of culture that “hate” is its basis element of that, what is the achievement of the Sanctions?
On the other hands, following blindly the failed international experiences of sanction which mostly just restrict the ordinary people, how can stop a state program for nuclear program or anything else?
I had an interview with a professor in Stockholm University about the sanctions. he mentioned the new mesures for sanctions that is established by UN in recent times is jst governmental oriented. It means it limited the diplomatic maneuver for the political system but not the normal people and specially the elite.
It seems Christian Science Monitor Columnist is a decade back to the history of the Middle East. I think at this time some western media are confused by what is happening between Iran and the west and so some stories they make, is a kind of ridiculous analysis which just show a kind irresponsibility at writing and covering the reality for the audiences.
Also: Half a Step Forward to Rein in Iran (The New York Times)