Omid Memarian

Sunday, February 01, 2004

40 days after Bam earthquake

The mourning of 40 days passed after earthquake, will hold in Bam Tuesday. At this time the emergency needs has passed, but the Iranian officials are trying to change the situation of life for the people there. Establishing Bath system lavatory system is one the aim of the foreigners groups that are active in this region yet like Oxfam international. A group of journalists and artists will go to Bam for this mourning

Lets talk alittle about NGOs activities after this tragedy accured:. Some powerful charities immediately joined to the Bam people to send out the injured. One of them rent a helicopter for its activities. A day after disaster foreign aids came rapidly from many countries and Iranian officials accepted it immediately. USAID attend in Bam two days after earthquake with thousands of tons support.It was very interesting for many Iranians that Americans were mobilized and equipped completely.They done their job well....Two NGOs that are working in rehabilitation and children, mobilized their equipment to help the injured and children rapidly. It was only a few hours after the tragedy that they could attend in Bam and help people. Many of youth tried to join this help mobilizing at once to promote a campaign to help the afflicted people. Somehow, NGOs tried to find a way to help. This disaster aroused the sense of solidarity between people all around the Iran and the world.
Two networks of NGOs created during the first week after disaster to coordinate the process of giving help to the people and of course to collecting the aids and establish some aid stations in Bam. One of these networks is formed by Women NGOs and another is formed by some distinct NGOs such as NGOs that working on children, environment, NGOs resource centers, rehabilitations centers and so on.
Mny of NGOs members went to the region during the first week for need assessment. They worked on a short term and long term needs. So first of all they mobilized their potential capacities for short term needs. For instance One Women NGO, distributed protective gloves in Bam a few days after disaster. They assessed that the need for protective gloves for those people that are clearing out
debris thereby avoiding further injury is a emergent need.
NGOs Network has established two tents for coordination the NGOs activities and every one from NGOs could stay in bam in this place. After establishing the tents, a ten member’s team went to BAM every day to give psychological assistances for five days. Most of them were women that were specialized in this field. Some of the NGO members that went to bam helped the medical teams from the other country. The played a role as translator, nurse or co-workers.


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