Omid Memarian

Monday, October 10, 2005

The Struggle Over Rafsanjani’s Future Role
My last story,Published on Roozonline daily, Oct 10, 2005

While the purpose of last week’s announcement of the increase in the authority of Iran’s Expediency Council, a body that was initially mandated only to intervene and resolve differences between the Parliament and the elected Guardian’s Council comprised of conservative clerics, was to curtail the excesses of the new hardline government lead by Mahmud Ahmadinejad, it has also put Hashemi Rafsanjani, the current head of the Expediency Council who lost a presidential bid last June in addition to a loss in the elections to get into the Parliament six years ago, into the number 2 spot in Iran’s power hierarchy.( Countinue...)


At 9:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Omid,

I enjoy reading your informative and professional blog. In relation to Iranian public officials, do you know if there has been any investigative journalism done on the lifestyles of their kin (children)? While the officials themselves are often portrayed as morally sound Muslims, I recently heard a rumor that the grown kid of one official, in general, drinks alcohol, engages in promiscuity with other officials' kin, spends lavishly, and does more "non-Muslim" things.

I think this is an interesting scenario, especially if carried out without the parents' knowledge. I would appreciate any insight you may have on this matter.



At 12:25 AM , Blogger Online Degree said...

That last comment about online degrees was obviously just comment spam..... totally unrelated. Thanks for nothing!


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